Who is DC-Nova Soccer Referee Unit?Who is DC-Nova Soccer Referee Unit?
District of Columbia/Northern Virginia Soccer Referee Unit (DC/NOVA SRU) is a Not-for-Profit organization of soccer referees in the Metropolitan area of Washington, D.C. It is run by referees for the benefit of amateur soccer in the region and brings together referees from all walks of life and at every level of excellence. DC/NOVA SRU strives to keep its members aware of changes in the Laws of the Game, achieve commonality in the interpretation of these Laws, provide assistance in assigning matches at all skill levels, and help fellow members maintain their refereeing skills through seminars and training sessions. Each member of DC/NOVA is a private contractor who is assigned by the DC/NOVA Commissioner to games commensurate with the member's skill level. By being a private contractor to a Not-for-Profit organization, the minimum amount of fees from the assignment is allocated to the cost of running the organization. As a Not-for-Profit organization that cannot make but a token profit per year, care has been taken to run the organization as efficiently as possible. DC/NOVA is run by a President, Vice-President, and Board of Directors elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting and serve without compensation for specified periods of Office. Augmenting the Board are the Secretary, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, and Commissioner, all appointed by the Board to assist in the running of the organization. Members are usually in constant contact with the Commissioner (for assignment of games), but to a lesser degree with the other Officers (for example, the Treasurer, for payment for games officiated). DC/NOVA invites all referees to become members and join with them in their refereeing duties this coming season. Details of potential assignments may be obtained from the Assignor, Crissy Kendall, who may be reached at 571-294-5863.
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