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Virginia High School League, Inc.
1642 State Farm Blvd
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911-8809
FAX 434-977-5943
Commissioner's Ejection Report Form to School and VHSL. When possible the school will be notified the next day Fax-Phone-Email.
This report must be sent to the offending school within (2) days after the date of the ejection and VHSL office within (7) days after the date of ejection.
NOTE: An ejection for fighting carries a two game suspension for the first offense and a four game suspension for subsequent fighting ejections.
DEFINITION OF FIGHTING - Fighting is any attempt by a player or non-player to strike or engage an opponent in a combative manner not related to that sport. Fighting may occur when the ball is dead or alive. Fighting includes, but is not limited to, combative acts such as: An attempt to strike an opponent with a fist, hands, arms, legs or feet, whether or not there is contact; an attempt to instigate a fight by committing an unsportsmanlike act toward an opponent that causes an opponent to retaliate by fighting.